Shipping policy

Thank you for choosing us to buy! To ensure the smooth delivery of your order, please read the following shipping terms carefully:
Order confirmation and processing
We will confirm and process the order within 7 working days after receiving it. All goods are subject to rigorous quality checks before being shipped to ensure they meet high standards.
Mode of transport
Depending on the nature of the goods and the destination of transport, various modes of transport such as sea, air or land transport are used. We will arrange your transportation according to the most suitable logistics method and timing.
Delivery time
Transit times will vary depending on the destination. The shipping time is usually 20 to 40 days. If you have an urgent order, please contact us in advance and we will do our best to meet your needs.
Order tracking
Once the goods are shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number so that you can check the progress of the shipment at any time and keep abreast of the latest developments of the order.
Duties and additional charges
All goods entering the EU may be subject to import duties, VAT and other charges. These costs will be borne by the consignee and the exact amount will depend on the laws and regulations of the destination country.
Delivery delay
Weather, port congestion and other factors may be encountered during the transportation process, causing delays in the delivery time. If this happens, we will inform you as soon as possible and provide you with an updated shipping status.